Where do you live (City, State, or Country)? New Mexico
Your script stood out among hundreds of others. What was the inspiration for your story and why did you write a script instead of a short story or a novel? My friend’s career in funerary services inspired me. I used to write novels. I also have a PhD; and I published a scholarly book as part of a series in classical studies. Now, I don’t want to write anything other than TV pilots. Seriously, it might be the most enjoyable thing I’ve ever done.
How long did it take you to write your script...and what is your writing process? Do you outline...use index cards...white board...or just start with FADE IN? It took a year and a half. This writing process involved hands-on research. I helped my friend embalm three bodies. I watched her work. I held the head of a corpse in place for her while she sutured up his headwound. Writing came easily after those experiences. In terms of organizing my thoughts and actually pulling a series bible together, my go-to concentration space is a float spa.
What is your ultimate ambition as a writer? I want to be the creator of a superb TV show.
Was your entry at The Wiki Screenplay Contest a full script or “the first ten pages”? Why did you make that choice? It was a full script. I finished the pilot script in May, so I was eager to get feedback on the entire script. I love this contest, because I know I can count on it for speedy feedback every time I finish a new project. The feedback I received was both constructive and encouraging. I’m extremely grateful for it.
What’s your all-time favorite movie or television show...and why? The Shawshank Redemption, but I don’t know why.
What advice do you have for writers hoping to win a contest or place as a finalist as you have? Use FilmFreeway. It’s a game-changer.
What else are you working on that the world needs to know about? I’m collaborating on a project with my brother and his friend. I am really excited about it. I’ve been fairly successful in these contests with work I did entirely on my own. So, I have high hopes that this collaborative project will take me further still.