Where do you live (City, State, or Country)? Los Angeles, California
Your script stood out among hundreds of others. What was the inspiration for your story and why did you write a script instead of a short story or a novel? I have a life-long obsession with studying cults and cult mentality, as well as a deep love for theology and doctrine. I started with the idea that a cult like Jonestown who had full control of the only super-powered kids and went from there. I started with the villain and wrote around that character. I made it a series because the world and story need to be explored over developing seasons. I couldn't do everything I wanted to in two hours.
How long did it take you to write your script...and what is your writing process? Do you outline...use index cards...white board...or just start with FADE IN? It took me about two months to write the initial draft. I tend to wrote by the seat of my pants and just let the characters dictate the scenes and story as I get to know them. But in this case, I had the entire episode mentally outlined each act before I began. I'm all about the characters, so my writing process is generally exploring and getting to know them early on, and then refining and honing the story once I know them well enough.
What is your ultimate ambition as a writer? I want to win an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, and possibly be a showrunner at some point.
Was your entry at The Wiki Screenplay Contest a full script or “the first ten pages”? Why did you make that choice? I entered the first ten pages, but I had the whole script written.
What’s your all-time favorite movie or television show...and why? My favorite movie of all time is Casablanca. It is a perfect screenplay with some of the best dialogue ever written. My favorite writer of all time is Billy Wilder. He wrote a classic in so many different genres, and no one was better at dialogue.
What advice do you have for writers hoping to win a contest or place as a finalist as you have? My advice is to focus on honing your characters and dialogue. A compelling character and sharp, smart, authentic dialogue will carry you a long way. You can hit every story beat perfectly, but if the reader doesn't care about the characters it won't matter.
What else are you working on that the world needs to know about? I am currently working on the pilot and first episode for a TV series slated to be filmed in May.